Jan 30, 2023
Russiagate is already easily refuted, but it seems like the hits (i.e. the truth) keep comin! New evidence shows collusion between social media and the US government to label anything they don't like as Russian bots - which of course turns out were neither Russian nor bots. Discuss.
Following the murder of a forest...
Jan 16, 2023
Well it's MLK day and we just wouldn't know how to celebrate it without racists, capitalists, and imperialists misquoting the Civil Rights leader in some of the most absurd and twisted ways.
Meanwhile, Sweden is desperate to get in on US empire's game, even going so far as to suggest that flying a flag could be an...
Jan 8, 2023
Here's some good news to start the year off on a high note! Formerly imprisoned Brazilian president Lula is back in office! Bolsonaro snuck off to Florida with his tail between his legs and the never-president-of-Venezuela-but-called-president-by-uncle-sam Guaido has finally been ousted by his own party.
Meanwhile in...