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With Lee Camp and Eleanor Goldfield.

Censored stories, sensible solutions and common ground movements to fight and build.

And sometimes other stuff too.

Dec 29, 2019

Thinking of retiring? Strap this to your back and think again.

Twitter's latest attack on alternative voices and YouTube's proud proclamation at keeping the propaganda airwaves free of dissenting voices.

Oak Flat Returns: a 5 year-old mining battle rears its (and John McCain's) ugly head.

What it costs to survive in our...

Dec 25, 2019

The deep sea holds many secrets - most of which we are only beginning to understand. Still, mining companies know all they need to know to place it in their crosshairs.

In 2019, workers around the world showed that we have the power, should we choose to harness it. 

Your mind is perhaps the most powerful computer. Let's...

Dec 15, 2019

People were shocked at the outcome of the UK elections. But here's why the progressive cookie crumbles...

The Trump impeachment fiasco rolls on while Dems in the House hand the war machine an unprecedented gift.

PLUS the Afghanistan papers and what it reveals about our domestic interest in foreign affairs, 5G health...

Dec 9, 2019

France is at a stand-still thanks to coordinated strikes. What we can learn from the diversity of folks taking their frustrations into the streets.

US added 266K jobs in November. Why this isn't good news.

It's illegal to feed the homeless in many US cities. So, in Dallas, they added guns to the menu.

PLUS NAFTA 2.0,...

Dec 3, 2019

Recently released documents show how a UK/US trade deal seeks to destroy socialized medicine.

One of the 982358 Dem hopefuls has dropped out. What now?

Not following the COP25 Climate Summit? Here's all you need to know.

Activists put their bodies on the line to literally block fascism.

PLUS Impeachment updates &...